Friday, January 04, 2008

A toast to 2008

Happy New Year y'all. How ya been? :D

Okay, so if there IS anyone left around here that still reads this blog. Apologies.


I am high. On life. Completely. I have just rediscovered the joys of solitude. My mental faculties are at an all-time high. All my room-mates have left for a holiday, and I'm all alone in a 2BR apartment. I feared depression, but I'm loving this. Playing music aloud without having an annoyed room-mate demand that you turn the volume down. Piling dishes in the kitchen sink in wanton disregard. Forgetting to put my coat up in the closet. The prospect of leaving the faulty shower pin down on 'shower' mode guiltless (and without getting yelled at).

I am at peace. I am in love with myself all over again. I like solitude.


All my room-mates are leaving to different places on vacation by tomorrow. I'll probably be left staring vacantly at cartons of used books and empty closets. And sepia-tinted memories to get me by. I'll have to make dinner all alone - serving only one. There won't be laughter and loud conversation ringing at the dining table anymore.

But I've graduated. Yay! I'm going to receive my degree (written in Latin - fancy that!) in May. Do I have a graduate degree? Really?

Three weeks ago:

I'm a believer.

Six months ago:

I forgot I could write. And how therapeutic it was. I hate myself for that.

4 Patron Prattle:

At 1/04/2008 9:46 PM, Blogger L . Hyena, The said...

Lol. You are crajee...

Hmm...i can smell another private joke somewhere in there...ah...right...there it is...

At 6/17/2008 3:41 AM, Blogger Abhijit said...

I do read you once in a while....but you must write more often melady :P

its been ages eh?

At 8/09/2020 9:47 AM, Blogger Cos Θ said...

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At 8/09/2020 9:51 AM, Blogger Cos Θ said...

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